Hello there. My name is Alexander Green, and I am the Chief Investment Strategist for The Oxford Club, the world's largest financial fellowship with more than 160,000 members.
These days, I spend my time writing investment columns and traveling around the world with the Oxford Voyager Club. But that wasn't always the case.
I retired from Wall Street at the ripe old age of 43. After 16 years as an investment advisor, research analyst and portfolio manager, I had gone from a net worth of approximately zero to financial independence.
That meant I was free to do whatever I wanted, wherever I wanted, with whomever I wanted. It's called total financial freedom. And I can tell you from experience, it's a great feeling.
Since retiring from the securities industry, I've been busy living what I call "the second half of my life."
I am the editor of The Oxford Communiqué, The Oxford Club's flagship newsletter. I also write two articles each week for Liberty Through Wealth, a free daily e-letter geared toward helping investors achieve true wealth.
I run three fast-paced trading services where I share weekly stock recommendations: The Insider Alert, The Momentum Alert and Oxford Microcap Trader.
And I’ve authored four national bestsellers: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio: Get Wise, Get Wealthy… And Get On With Your Life; The Secret of Shelter Island: Money and What Matters; Beyond Wealth: The Road Map to a Rich Life; and An Embarrassment of Riches: Tapping Into the World's Greatest Legacy of Wealth.
Working as a writer instead of as a licensed investment advisor suits me well. I can give advice freely, and no one who heeds it has to wonder whether my real motive is to earn fees or commissions or "capture their assets."
I can write what I want about the market – and the world – without a compliance officer scrutinizing my words. And readers don't have to worry about the objectivity of my analysis.
I have no business relationships with the companies I cover, no investment banking colleagues seeking customers for new bond issues and secondary offerings, no reason to tell anything but the plain truth as I see it.
Many of these truths I've learned the hard way. You can save yourself a lot of trouble – not to mention a boatload of money – by learning from my personal experience.
(I made the dumb mistakes early in my career, so you don't have to.)
No one cares more about your money than you do. You should manage it yourself.
That’s why I'm so glad you're here.
Good investing,
Alexander Green